Realm of Infinite Possibilities


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You can only discern the beginning of each story, but not it’s end.

You haven’t made a choice—yet, so they’re all available.


Why is it so hard to remember?

– Gail Conrad

Hello all you Vanguards & Visionaries, Innovators & Rule-Breakers!

So glad you landed here today!

Here we explore the creative and metaphysical, the link between consciousness and invention, so—let’s break some boundaries, turn things upside down & use the chaos to create in a whole new way!

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And now—here we go!

(OPENING continues, with MUSIC:)

Hello and welcome to the Wildscape Podcast, sharing tales of stepping into the unknown to create more art, beauty, and magic in your life. I’m your host, Gail Conrad, and today you’re listening to:


This might sound like a fairy tale, but what are fairy tales, or for that matter, all stories, other than something we perceive?

Now take the words—anything is possible!

We like to believe this, but I’ll add, those times when we truly perceive this, often come at rare and seemingly forgotten moments in our lives.

This is what I’m going to talk about today.

So I have a question:

What’s one major choice, think of it as a critical shift in your life, that you welcomed and decided to do, only—and this key—this was a choice that you never, ever could have imagined that you would want to make?

Hold onto that.

Some of our choices in life make logical sense. Anyone knowing us might have guessed them or predicted them.

For example:
The son of a doctor becomes a doctor. Or, you grow up with animals. Say you were brought up on a farm. You become a vet, or an activist for animal rights.

Or even, if you’re trapped in a war, where everyone around you is forced to flee, and so do you. You move to another country.

But what about those other choices, more inexplicable, that no one, no less yourself, ever saw coming?

The kinds of choices that you never, ever could have foreseen that you would choose and want, and love to make?

The kinds of choices that often radically change your life, and prompt others to ask:

How come? Why you’d do this?

Leave this?

Or –take up that new path?

Most likely, all this you can answer.

But what you might not have words for, because you might not remember, is the moment, when you first vividly saw and claimed that choice.

How’d you come to it?
And what happened right before?

To answer that, you’d have to remember your own journey to what I call:

The Realm of Infinite Possibilities.

For there are periods of our lives, that we barely remember. Or if we do remember them, they may feel more as if we’re recalling some fantasy, or a blurry dream.

But what I’m talking about today is not a dream, nor a fantasy. It’s a most powerful and expansive energetic state, and—

It is responsible for some of the most critical choices in your life.

Choices that you might be making at this moment, because –

With all the disruption that’s hitting us, there’s a good chance that right now, you’re on route to this realm, or maybe, some of you have just emerged from it.

But as I said, you might not remember.

So today, I invite you to jog your memory.

Are you ready?

Imagine a field of illuminated pathways. They stretch out in front of you, as far as you can see.

You haven’t made a choice yet, so you can see them all.

And many of them represent choices that prior to this moment, you never, ever would have imagined that you would want and even love to choose.

At first glance, they look identical, like bright strands.

But the more you gaze, the more you see that each is different, each with its own potential story and adventure, all intimately connected to you.

The thing is, you can only discern the beginning of each story, but not its end.

You haven’t made a choice—yet, so they’re all available.

And in this moment, you might feel suspended in time, like a giant pause. This pause will last until you until you choose—one of these possibilities, for what you next do.

This is the Realm of Infinite Possibilities.

Now I described this to a colleague, and they said:

Well, what if I can’t make up my mind?

What if I get stuck in that Realm, in that “giant pause” for days or weeks, and can’t decide which possibility to choose?

And I said:
I doubt it, because by the time you get to the Realm you are you ready! In fact, your time there might feel just like the blink of an eye.

Still I’ll add:
Here you are the ruler, and this is your realm, only—it’s not a physical place.

You won’t find it on a map because—the Realm of Infinite Possibilities is an energetic and perceptual state.

But to explain, I need to go backwards. Tell you how you get to this Realm.

For I mentioned a journey, and yes, there is one, and today your journey begins with what I’ll call the BLIND ZONE.

The Blind Zone is also an energetic and perceptual state, but—I bet you might remember it more.

Ever feel like you’re moving in slow-motion?

As if you’re not completely in your body, or barely in control of anything at all?

During these times, it’s often hard to see where you’re going, because the vision that you normally take for granted, appears to be gone.

Sometimes, when I’m in this place, I will myself to take a step, move faster, but it’s as if I’m in a weighted space suit; I can barely go forward at all.

Sort of like in a nightmare when you’re trying to escape but can only seem to move in half time.

But here I’m not talking about what you might feel like in dreams.

I’m talking about an energetic state of being that you might experience, sometimes for days or months on end, while you’re physically awake, and this happens most often, when you’re hit by a major upheaval in your life.

For think of what you experience when something that you deeply care about radically shifts.

This could be around a relationship, your work, your family, your health, or where you live. And know, you could even initiate it yourself, but –

The point is, it’s huge. Afterwards, you might feel stuck, devastated, or at a loss for what to do.

It’s the kind of time that can make us wonder:

Okay—Where’s my oracle?
Do I need to go to a psychic? A therapist? Maybe read a horoscope every day?

In truth, during these times, we just want someone—anyone—anything to tell us:

What the hell is going on?

Because, we don’t have our own answers, yet.

Can you remember a time like this?

I call it the Blind Zone, but this title is deceptive, for it’s in the Blind Zone that we learn to see.

Imagine you are blind-folded. In a strange city. A city you don’t know.

You have to make your way from one end of the city to the other. You’re by yourself, without GPS or other gadgets. And you must navigate, and yes—confront challenges in a whole new way.

The Blind Zone is where you learn to perceive differently, and leave all your old ways of operating, behind.

It’s like you’re on a ship and surrounded by thick fog. You might feel as if you’re not moving, but you’re traveling all the while.

For then—without quite knowing exactly how, or even when it happens—you’ve crossed a border. The fog is gone.

The stupendous Blind Zone prepares you for the Realm of Infinite Possibilities. And—it drops you at its gateway. You can see again.

So I’m talking about two metaphorical places, that are actual energetic and perceptual states.

And here’s where the mystery of memory, your memory of them, is key.

Normally, the more that we’re aware, the more we can recall. But memory and our perception of time act quite differently here.

We tend to remember the Blind Zone more. Why? Because even if foggy, we humans tend to remember painful times the most. Plus, in the Blind Zone, time appears to slow. While there, you can’t fathom how this period will ever end.

It’s like being cooked in a crock pot, how you think and perceive is breaking down, then forming anew.

But this is why, by the time you arrive at the Realm of Infinite Possibilities, you are ready—ready to choose.

You arrive like a newborn, eyes wide open, prepped to take in anything that you can see.

The possibilities can look like shiny strands, or like pictures, or you might perceive them as a string of vivid thoughts.

But you’re not here on vacation. You’re highly aware and you’re here to choose. Inevitably, one choice shines the brightest. You choose decisively now.

That’s why your stay in the Realm of Infinite Possibilities can feel like the blink of an eye.

Still—why don’t you remember it?

How can you forget such a magical place?

Well, I’ll tell you:
The moment you choose, you’re ejected out of the Realm.

Sorry—you can’t stay, because—it’s time to begin the hard work, the work of creating this new path.

Which leads to the other reason, of why you might not remember the Realm, namely:

You’re not supposed to keep thinking about all those other possibilities!

Say you just got married, or just decided to invest in building a new business. Would it help to keep posting on online dating sites, or to think about five other businesses other than the one you just finally chose? Probably not.

Still, we’re back to the question:

How can you know that you’ve been to this Realm? 

Well, try this:
Think back to one period when you experienced the Blind Zone. I bet that you can recall at least one visit there.

Take a moment to remember it, now ask yourself:

What did you do once you left that thick, heavy fog?

Which possibility did you create?

You can even make a draft of your biography; think of it as your own Wikipedia page. All that you list might make sense, have some understandable, logical progression, except –

What sticks out?

Those unusual, unexpected choices that don’t fit the old patterns?

Most likely, you just identified another visit to the Realm.

It’s funny but –

Now, you might take that choice, that decision or vision that you created for granted, like someone, say—who never thought about having children, but who within a year, suddenly adopts two kids.

You might think:

Of course, I’m doing this!
Of course, I have this person in my life!

But at one time, that choice was a strand, or picture or thought, with a very bright light. And you chose it, in the Realm of Infinite Possibilities.

Think now of your last choice.

And remember, the Blind Zone works its own magic. In mythology, there comes the moment when almost every hero gets lost.

Sometimes, we’re not yet ready for that quick reveal, nor yet equipped to make our next critical choice until, almost mysteriously—we are.

So, can you take this one step further?

Right now, imprint your memory—literally remember to remember, your own experiences of these two incredibly powerful states.

So that next time round, when that thick fog hits, know that you’re not standing still, but traveling, en route to that blink of an eye moment—the Realm of Infinite Possibilities, where you do perceive that anything is possible, and where you get to choose, again.

Thank you.

I’m Gail Conrad, your host of the Wildscape Podcast. The opening music is by Chip Barrow, and I want to say:

I have a new page on my website called Podcast Stories!

It’s a new way to see all the episodes, and you can both read and listen to them there.

You can check it all out on my main website, which is: gailconrad.com

That’s https://gailconrad.com

Thanks so much for listening, and bye for now.

Can you now remember –
What you last chose in the Realm of Infinite Possibilities?