Power-Pack Sessions_Gail Conrad / Wildscape Innovation Lab




with Gail


Think of each session as your own personal Lab.

Think of each session
as your own personal Lab.

These private sessions
are for individuals seeking to explore a personal issue through the lens of their
Energy, Intuition, and Courage.

Each immersive session
offers tools to help you push the boundaries of your perception.

Amplify your awareness
while you explore your chosen topic.

Come in with a specific decision,
project, or circumstance that you’d like to address.

Power-Pack Sessions are individually tailored to you!


Founder of the Wildscape Innovation Lab,
bridges her work in the arts with her lifelong exploration of consciousness and invention.

A certified Holistic Innovation Coach, Public Speaker, Educator, and Podcast Storyteller, Gail Conrad works with individuals and organizations, guiding them to harness their stupendous inner resources: their intuition, energy, and courage to redefine what’s possible and take their boldest steps.

Gail offers workshops, lectures, and energy labs, and dedicates her podcast, Wildscape Podcast with Gail Conrad, to the explorer in us all, often challenging her listeners:

What’s at stake?

And what’s at risk?

What Act of Courage will it take?

A native New Yorker, Gail now lives in Los Angeles and works with clients worldwide.

“Gail is a superb listener and asks questions that spark those welcome ‘Aha!’ moments. Her wealth of experience in the art world provides depth to her understanding of the sorts of issues I have been struggling to address. I find her creativity, patience and penetrating insights all work to produce great results, for which I am deeply grateful. Highly recommend!”

– Wendy J.

“Working with Gail was great. Now I feel that I make wiser decisions but also take more chances. My biggest breakthrough: I don’t let the backlash crush me. I see that waiting was the ultimate mistake.”

Ben W.

“Gail Conrad is my go-to person when I’m looking to shift my thinking and maximize my creative output. She is an intelligent listener, intuitive about things I might not have yet identified, and has a treasure trove of resources to draw upon in bringing me to my answers. I am so grateful for her.”

– Terry W.

“Gail helped me push beyond my perceived limitations. Finally I’m driving the adventure with my group and we’re moving in the same direction. This stuff works. Gail’s a fabulous coach.”

– Lucinda G.

Whole Person Certified C
Embody Lab Certificate
BRA Network Alliance Member Badge

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